
ناسازگونی؛ یا دستپختی که ربطی به منوی اصلی ندارد!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Incompatibility; Or hand-baked that has nothing to do with the main menu! | Ali Kazemian Our criticism was of our eagerness and passion. The touchy persons with their bleeding heart, and scholars with their knowledge are all trying to observe the whole city and prevent any disorders. ”I‘d told...


قانون و قانون‌گذاری؛ سیر اندیشه‌ورزی در معماری

Law and legislation; The journey of thinking in architecture | Mohammad Mansour Flamaki Weak legislation, the state’s historical experiences, blind imitation, lack of efficient schools of architecture and a collective demand to revolutionize the culture and architectural knowledge are some reasons of our lag in urbanization. Legislation cannot produce an...

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